cover image: Plastic - The (in)Visible Pollution - Plastic pollutes more than what the human eye can see - Plastics have become ubiquitous in our modern world and plastic pollution


Plastic - The (in)Visible Pollution - Plastic pollutes more than what the human eye can see - Plastics have become ubiquitous in our modern world and plastic pollution

8 Apr 2024

Plastic - The (in)Visible Pollution Plastic pollutes more than what the human eye can see Plastics have become ubiquitous in our modern world and plastic pollution has reached all corners of the planet, including the most remote areas. [...] Toxic substances emitted during the production process also pollute the soil and the water, with impacts on the food we grow and water we consume, as well as on biodiversity. [...] BPA), phthalates and PFAs can leach from plastic into food (in the case of food packaging) and the environment, impacting environmental and human health. [...] The EU must adopt binding measures to reduce plastic production and consumption, starting with single-use, short-lived and non-essential plastic products, eliminate harmful chemicals such as PFAs and prevent microplastic emissions and pollution at the source. [...] Resources to go further The Forever Pollution Project PlastChem - the state of the science of hazardous chemicals in plastics - The Research Council of Norway (2024) Breathing Plastic : The Health Impacts of Invisible Plastics in the Air - CIEL (2023) Nurdle pollution map - Fidra (2024) Tiny Plastic, Big problem : the case for preventing pellet pollution - Rethink Plastic alliance (2023) How can t.
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