cover image: Plastics’ injustice - A just transition to address an unjust pollution - Plastic proliferation and pollution fuel the triple planetary crisis : climate


Plastics’ injustice - A just transition to address an unjust pollution - Plastic proliferation and pollution fuel the triple planetary crisis : climate

8 Apr 2024

The path to a plastic-pollution-free-future, if it is to bring both environmental and social benefits, must be just and fully involve impacted people and communities, as well as typically under-represented groups. [...] It must acknowledge the different levels of responsibilities in the current plastic crisis and recognize the higher burden carried by affected communities and address structural inequalities to contribute to systemic change. [...] European Elections / Plastics and EU 2 What does it mean for Europeans? According to a 2022 Eurobarometer survey the vast majority of Europeans (88%) agree that the green transition should not leave anyone behind and most (77%) feel a personal responsibility to act, but only half of Europeans agree that the EU is doing enough to ensure that the green transition is fair and just. [...] It also must ensure that any decision-making around the green transition (including moving away from disposability and ending plastic pollution) is inclusive and participatory, and facilitates a full and informed participation of impacted communities as well as formal and informal workers. [...] It also needs to support appropriate mechanisms, including but not limited to the reskilling and upskilling of workers that may be impacted by the phasing-out or redesigning of certain activities and industries.
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