cover image: 492 Korna Klub £7,570 London Anima Youth £9,864 London Back to Life Liverpool £9,955


492 Korna Klub £7,570 London Anima Youth £9,864 London Back to Life Liverpool £9,955

5 Apr 2024

The psychotherapist had a weekly mental health related radio talk show to address coping strategies to relieve anxiety and stress whilst informing the community of the local services available and the phone helpline with signposting services. [...] Let's Unite for Autism £10,000 London Let’s Unite for Autism provided advice, advocacy, information, and support during the pandemic for those affected by autism and their carers, mental health and wellbeing support for parents with neuro-diverse children, and housing and homelessness support for families. [...] Sangini £9,943 South Shields Sangini provided culturally sensitive social activities and wellbeing sessions, such as arts and crafts, meditation, and mental health talks, both online and in-person for 40 BME women to reduce isolation, rebuild confidence and signpost to further services. [...] Therapy4Healing £9,980 London Therapy4Healing provided online and in-person health and well-being services to children with disabilities, elderly people struggling with dementia, survivors of domestic violence, and refugees and asylum seekers in Lewisham. [...] Women of Valiance £10,000 Bedford The project addressed the mental health and wellbeing of BME individuals by providing bereavement early support services and signposting service users to the appropriate health services, delivering food parcels and hot meals to those who were isolated, as well as providing a dedicated freephone line to offer emotional and practical support.


Sara Kathrada

Published in
United Kingdom