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Minority Rights in Europe

29 Feb 2024

The plan was to initiate a real dia Chairman: Bjorn ELMQUIST, Member of the logue, recognising the situation of minorities, Danish Parliament, Chairman of the Foreign the sensitivities of majorities and providing rec Affairs Committee, Member of the Parliamen ommendations which were intellectually sound, tary Assembly of the Council of Europe. [...] discussions opened the way to wide participa ■ The Working Group stresses the need for the tion from conferees and, including the panelists, current Turkish Constitution to be changed to 24 substantive contributions were made, many the extent that care be taken to provide for the of which sowed the seeds for the recommenda recognition of all groups and their rights. [...] The Working Group believed that through Secondly, recent initiatives by the Council of the CSCE's forthcoming meetings, first in Europe, beginning with the Draft Charter for Copenhagen on the human dimension and then the Regulation of Minority Languages and its in Moscow, further institutional protection subsequent expansion to cover a wide range of could be developed in the interests of the ident. [...] Moscow further institutional protection could ■ The expert committee should further be be developed in the interests of the identity of empowered and encouraged to seek and receive the relevant minorities and of the human rights additional information from governments of of individuals members of minorities and citi Participating States regarding the position of zens generally, and in the interes. [...] At the time of the conference vol fruitful, it was important to build on this good untary help was given by students of the will and Conference participants were invited Minority Studies department of the University to remain in contact with the Minority Rights of Copenhagen to whom the conference Group and the Helsinki Committees and to help expressed its warm appreciation.

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