cover image: E331_Report_Evaluation of HLG-MOS Phase III_


E331_Report_Evaluation of HLG-MOS Phase III_

24 Mar 2024

Purpose of the evaluaon and structure of the document This evaluation aims to determine how well the UNECE project E331 "Modernising Statistical Production Phase 3", undertaken under the auspices of the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS) established by the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) met its goals. [...] Conclusions of the evaluaon This section presents conclusions of the evaluation, based on the triangulation of findings from the desk research, in-depth interviews and responses to the questionnaire. [...] Given that the constituency of the DGINS, ESS DIME/ITG and the CES is largely the same for EU countries, some de facto coordination is ensured, and the additional presence of other countries of the UNECE region is highly evaluated by the interviewees. [...] Indirectly, other activities can be considered as disaster risk mitigation: - The discussions on the use of the Cloud and Digital twins for the statistical business (reducing the risks of local database and system disruptions) - The share of experiences on COVID impact surveys (from the activity report for 2022) - The meetings about "Data Collection and the impact, challenges and opportunities of. [...] At the opposite end, the effectiveness of the HLG-MOS activities in solving issues of public trust and transparency of Official Statistics, or the contribution to the alignment with the SDGs and the production of data for vulnerable groups is not considered highly achieved.


Jose Luis Cervera

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