cover image: YEMEN - Local perspectives on vulnerability and resilience OVERVIEW ABOUT THIS REPORT


YEMEN - Local perspectives on vulnerability and resilience OVERVIEW ABOUT THIS REPORT

2 Apr 2024

Hadramawt comprises 28 districts and is located towards the east of the country, bordering Saudi Arabia to the north and the Arabian Sea to the south. [...] At the start of the current conflict, as the armed forces focused on the Houthis in the north, Methodology al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) capitalised on the general breakdown in security. [...] electricity, and freely and why?communication Do the reduced access to and availability of key utilities affect people’s ability networks.) Total number The household discussions reflected the experiences of all to meet basic needs? If so, how? of individuals members of the households, not just the individual responding. [...] The absence of full legal protections and inadequate inclusion in political processes add to the impact of climate and environmental risk other dimensions to the marginalisation of women and girls (Oxfam/Saferworld 30/01/2017; ACAPS 17/11/2023). [...] The IRG is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons This diagram is intended to serve as a visual aid showing how comparatively vulnerable with Disabilities, but momentum to safeguard the rights of people with disabilities has been the household-level respondents in Al Mukalla and Sayun considered different categories lost since the escalation of hostilities in 2015.
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