cover image: Advancing agrobiodiversity - Why organisations of smallholders and Indigenous Peoples are vital


Advancing agrobiodiversity - Why organisations of smallholders and Indigenous Peoples are vital

6 Feb 2024

The objectives of the report are threefold: ●● To build understanding of why and how FFPOs and IP and LC groups manage agrobiodiversity as its main stewards ●● To understand the strategies and tactics FFPOs and IP and LC groups deploy to enhance agrobiodiversity management, and ●● To provide recommendations based on the findings to government and international resource partners about how to upscal. [...] As the work of those groups and their supporters has advanced, a range of useful manuals and online tools have been developed that help farmers and trainers to understand the benefits of agrobiodiversity, improve its practical management through cultivation and seed-management approaches, and measure its conservation and impacts. [...] The objectives of the report are threefold: ●● To build understanding of why and how FFPOs and IP and LC groups manage agrobiodiversity as its main stewards ●● To understand the strategies and tactics FFPOs and IP and LC groups deploy to enhance agrobiodiversity management, and ●● To provide recommendations based on the findings to government and international resource partners about how to upscal. [...] The CBD defines agricultural biodiversity as “a broad term that includes all components of biological diversity of relevance to food and agriculture, and all components of biological diversity that constitute the agricultural ecosystems, also named agro-ecosystems: the variety and variability of animals, plants and microorganisms, at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels, which are necessary t. [...] The stronger and more numerous these organisations become, the greater the strength of their linked federations and confederations, and the greater their potential to democratise and decentralise the governance of food systems towards agroecology that enriches agrobiodiversity (Pimbert 2021).
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United Kingdom