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Submission title

15 Mar 2024

The Australian government reserves the right to cancel any issued visas if circumstances change.” If visas have been cancelled because of security assessments or other individual factors, this should be reflected in the stated reasoning for the cancellation. [...] The individuals involved have the right to seek revocation of the visa cancellation. [...] The Government owes it to them to be clear about what is happening with visa cancellations – the numbers affected (which appear so far to be smaller than many people are assuming) and the rationale for the decisions. [...] In light of these concerns, we urge the Government to : Reconsider the visa cancellation decisions taken so far, to assess whether each decision is justified in light of the implications for the individuals concerned. [...] Provide clear public information about the number of visas cancelled, the reasoning behind the cancellations and whether there has been any change to the policy outlined on the Home Affairs website, to ensure that those seeking to travel to Australia have current information about the Government’s approach to receiving people arriving from Gaza.


Asher Hirsch

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