cover image: Focused Input to the 2024 Thematic Review

Focused Input to the 2024 Thematic Review

28 Mar 2024

Considering the relevance of the GFMD discussions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2024 High-level Political Forum (HLPF), and in line with previous efforts made by the GFMD,2 the GFMD 2030 Agenda Rapporteur Team has produced this synthesis report aiming to inform the GFMD Working Group on International Migration and Sustainable Development’s contribution to the HLPF and to glo. [...] During the summit, the GFMD mechanisms, Youth representatives, friends of the Forum, and the French Chair organized various awards, such as the Youth Leadership and Innovation Award, the Startup Competition, and the Migrant4Climate Award, which highlight good practices of partnerships and allow different stakeholders to work together and address pressing issues. [...] But the legal frameworks and the policies at the national and international level, oftentimes unaware of the daily lives of migrants and communities, are not adapting fast enough to address the root causes of irregular migration and displacement in a context of global challenges such as the climate crisis, rising inequalities and mistrust and social exclusion. [...] The GFMD should inspire the UN ECOSOC, HLPF convener, to ensure the organization of specific sessions within the HLPF agenda dedicated to reviewing the progress, solutions and challenges related to migration; the mainstreaming of migration debates in the sessions focused on the SDGs under review; the fostering of partnerships, capacity building and knowledge exchange, and the participation of migr. [...] Mainstreaming migration in the HLPF agenda, and ensuring its inclusion in the Pact for the Future, will amplify the importance of migration as a cross-cutting issue also in other agendas of critical importance in 2024-2025, such as the G20 agenda, the 30 anniversary UNFPA’s International Conference on Population and Development, the Summit of the Future and the Social Summit, which will build on t.



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