cover image: Ontario’s need for 1.7 million more homes: an update


Ontario’s need for 1.7 million more homes: an update

4 Apr 2024

The paper developed a Rest of Canada Average Benchmark (RoCA Benchmark) method to estimate the number of homes each of Ontario’s 49 census divisions would need to build to bring its supply up to the average of the rest of Canada by 2031. [...] This benchmark considers the size of a census division’s population and the age of the residents. [...] Of the 1.7 million homes needed over the next decade, 45% of the demand will come from just three of 49 census divisions: Peel Region, York Region, and the City of Toronto. [...] The number of households is a function of the size of the population, the age of the population, as well as the number of housing units available. [...] The RoCA Benchmark is defined as follows.5 RoCA Benchmark Number of Households (Definition): The number of households a community would have, given the size of their population if their age-adjusted headship rates were equal to the 2016 “Rest-of-Canada” average, where the rest of Canada excludes Ontario and British Columbia.
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