cover image: Briefing April 2024 - Briefing: Addressing the leading risk factors for ill


Briefing April 2024 - Briefing: Addressing the leading risk factors for ill

10 Apr 2024

In this context, much of the leadership to address the harms from these risk factors at a population-level comes from local authorities.11 One of the key roles of local government is to improve the health and wellbeing of its communities. [...] Health impacts of tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food Tobacco Tobacco is the leading cause of illness and death in England – causing early death in up to two-thirds of lifelong smokers, and around 450,000 hospitalisations a year.16 Approximately 13% of adults in England smoke, with people living in the 10% most Health impacts of tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food 3 deprived parts of the country b. [...] Furthermore, members of the public can have an important role in providing evidence to the licensing committee on the impact of alcohol on their families and local communities.77 Third, local authority public health teams will need training and support on the licensing process and how best to represent evidence to licensing committees. [...] The policy was found to reduce the number of calories and the amount of sugar and fat consumed from high in fat, salt and sugar products per household89 and led to an estimated 4.8% fewer individuals with obesity alongside a reduction of diabetes and cardiovascular disease incidence over a three-year period.90 The restrictions were estimated to save £218m in NHS and social care costs over the life. [...] Changes to planning law are the responsibility of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and would require an amendment to existing legislation.112 The department would oversee defining and setting the new use class, ideally working with the Department for Health and Social Care and with local planning teams to help define both the use class and any associated conditions placed o.
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