cover image: “So hard, but so rewarding:” How school system leaders are scaling up strategic school staffing models

“So hard, but so rewarding:” How school system leaders are scaling up strategic school staffing models

27 Mar 2024

One leader described how their relationships enabled the work of scaling up a new model: “So we are able to just walk into schools and [say], ‘I think you might want to consider this.’ And people respond, ‘Oh, I might actually consider that.’ That allows us to get the work started much faster and for them to go on the journey with us.” How to build trust. [...] Aside from the sheer number of mindsets to shift, leaders also have to contend with the constant influx of new teachers and leaders into their systems; many are new to the models and have not yet shifted their vision about what teaching could be. [...] And then it’s awesome.” Another leader working in a district scaling up team teaching described, “If you get that first team right, it just sings to people working in the environment.” While the earliest adopters needed relatively little support to shift their mindset, they helped shift the mindsets of others by bringing the model to life in schools and creating a proof of concept. [...] Just tell me that this is going to improve reading growth for kids… in a way that traditional teaching isn’t.’” 8 CENTER ON REINVENTING PUBLIC EDUCATION — JULY 2023 “All at the same time:” Leaders need to simultaneously attend to all of the above To reimagine the teaching role, leaders found that they had to simultaneously engage in all of the work described above: navigate policies at different l. [...] And we’re doing that in the reverse: ‘This is the job, what do you know and not know about how to do this job? And then how do we fill the gap and get you credentialed?’ … And quite frankly, not to throw anybody under the bus, but lots of teacher development programs might globally help, but they don’t help [teachers] in the context of [their] job.” Recommendations: Sharing the work of scaling str.
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