cover image: Financing continuous cover forestry: - CASE STUDIES FROM FINLAND, FRANCE, IRELAND AND LATVIA


Financing continuous cover forestry: - CASE STUDIES FROM FINLAND, FRANCE, IRELAND AND LATVIA

10 Apr 2024

y L ack of skilled foresters: Improvements are being delayed due to both the lack of access to independent consultants, and the lack of financial support for awareness raising of the need for, and benefits of, a different forestry model. [...] Even in the rare instances when we clear-cut, we preserve Ziedonis Vilciņš is the owner trees whose economic value could still increase. Our goal is to ensure and manager of "Kalna a constant financial flow, while conserving the diversity of nature and Gavieši" a close-to-nature leaving the surrounding landscape relatively unchanged.  forest management demonstration area In our forest, biologicall. [...] I support the European Green Deal, because we need to think more seriously about nature and climate issues. I also support diverting 30 per cent of land to achieve nature goals, continuing the extraction of wood in the remaining forests, as seen in the Biodiversity Strategy. However, I believe that each country should have its own detailed, specific conditions and tasks related to nature and clima. [...] So my carbon effort is in effect appropriated by the government, even though they don’t pay owners money to go with a continuous cover, to get over the transition difficulties and the costs of windthrow [forests or trees damaged by the wind]. [...] You can see echoes of this in Irish culture: in folklore and songs, in the Gaelic names for common trees, and in the ‘tree alphabet’ - the ancient Ogham script.
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