cover image: J anuary 26, 2024 R e: Initial SPUR input regarding SB 926 Senator Wahab,


J anuary 26, 2024 R e: Initial SPUR input regarding SB 926 Senator Wahab,

26 Jan 2024

Last year SPUR also acted as a founding member of the “Survive and Thrive” coalition that brought dozens of organizations together in the region and across the state to help secure $5.1 billion in transit investment and operational support as part of the 2023-2024 state budget. [...] SPUR has also been a strong supporter of advancing a regional network manager in the Bay Area as a means to ensure a seamless experience for transit riders and a more centralized, deliberate and efficient approach to transit planning and administration. [...] W e believe that the region's operators are making significant progress toward a more coordinated system and we would like MTC and transit operators to continue focusing their attention and efforts on expeditiously implementing the program of reforms and improvements that have already been identified and committed to. [...] If a bill to consider consolidation of transit agencies does proceed, we would offer the following suggestions and thoughts: ● A ny bill related to consolidation should be a study bill (not a plan) and have a clear, focused problem definition that can be addressed through an achievable and rigorous scope of work. [...] Key issues that could benefit from exploration include: ○ Analysis of the different statutory authorities underlying individual transit a gencies and clarification of how federal and state laws governing and regulating transit would interact and influence potential changes to agency structure.
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United States of America