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Urban First Nations health research discussion paper

21 May 2009

Social scientists the interpretation of census and other population-level have demonstrated the way in which numbers and data, in 2006, approximately 76% of the off-reserve quantification are used in governing populations and First Nations population lived in urban settings, while the consequences of such practices (Greenhalgh, the remainder resided in rural locations (Statistics 2005; Neylan, 200 [...] Aboriginal people represented 2% of highlight how changes in Indian Act legislation (for the population in the cities of Vancouver, Calgary and instance the reinstatement of women and children as Ottawa-Gatineau, and 0.5% in Toronto and Montreal registered Indians under Bill C-31); the move to use (Statistics Canada, 2008a). [...] As a Further, it is worthy to note that the proportion of proportion of the Aboriginal population in Edmonton, First Nations people in the Aboriginal population 22,440 identified as First Nations (43%). [...] Indeed, it is difficult to understand this statistic in light of the extremely high proportion of children in care who are Aboriginal in cities like Vancouver (70%) – as discussed in Section 4. A review of those particular statistics was beyond the scope of this report, however, the numbers of First Nations children4 in care in urban settings must be con- sidered in any discussion related to healt [...] As Cardinal and Adin (2005) have clearly stated, the lack Key sources of population-based demographic and of systematic data collection and analysis regarding health indicators data for First Nations and off-reserve urban Aboriginal health and the diverse groups of First Nations populations include the following people involved, prevents us from understanding the data bases.
health government education politics school violence research discrimination canada indians of north america culture employment health services research medicine census disease rural urban health community indians, north american further education chronic condition health treatment native peoples first nations downtown eastside virus disease census geographic units of canada cma aboriginal peoples métis marginalization indian act first nations peoples dtes


Browne, Annette J

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