cover image: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Specialist Disability Accommodation in the social housing sector:


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Specialist Disability Accommodation in the social housing sector:

24 Mar 2024

By leveraging the financial resources, skills and expertise available within the mainstream economy, the anticipated outcome of the program is to increase the diversity of adequate, affordable and appropriate accommodation available to people with disability across a range of locations (Beer, Flanagan et al. [...] Social housing and the SDA program Interactions between the social housing sector and the SDA program are complex. [...] The market stewardship function of the SDA program sits within the remit of the Commonwealth government, which creates ambiguity around the role of the state and territory governments within the program, and around housing for people with disability more broadly. [...] 417 Specialist Disability Accommodation in the social housing sector: Policy and practice 3 Executive summary Pricing arrangements need to reflect the true cost of delivery The mismatch between the current price guide and the true cost of delivering SDA has a significant impact on the sector. [...] A policy review of federal, state and territory government housing strategies, and of housing and service strategies for people with disability, identified the role of governments in the SDA program.
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