cover image: Adopted in March 2002, UNEA Resolution 5/14 mandated the formation of an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) tasked with


Adopted in March 2002, UNEA Resolution 5/14 mandated the formation of an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) tasked with

16 Apr 2024

18 19 global plastic report text.indd 18-19 16/04/24 4:39 PM GLOBAL PLASTIC TREATY NEGOTIATIONS 2 COUNTRY POSITIONS 20 21 global plastic report text.indd 20-21 16/04/24 4:39 PM GLOBAL PLASTIC TREATY NEGOTIATIONS In the context of the ongoing negotiations within the UNEA to end plastic pollution, the term “primary plastic polymers” refers to the types of plastic resins or polymers that are commonly. [...] In negotiations to combat plastic pollution, promoting and incentivizing the use of alternative plastics emerges as a critical strategy to achieve sustainability objectives and reduce the environmental impact of plastic production and disposal. [...] MONITORING To ensure effective management and regulation, Parties are required to monitor and track the production, imports and exports of chemicals AND LABELLING and polymers used in plastic production, enabling assessment of usage patterns and targeted interventions to reduce environmental risks. [...] In the note released by the INC secretariat, the phrase Trade in listed chemicals, “without prejudice to the right of any Member to propose additions, deletions, polymers and products or modifications” explicitly indicates that member states retain the freedom and Transparency, tracking, monitoring and labelling authority to suggest changes to the text as part of the negotiation process. [...] The rules of procedure in the ongoing negotiations to end The biggest challenge for the fourth session is to have a mandate for inter-sessional plastic pollution typically refer to the established guidelines and protocols that work from the committee.
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