cover image: Main Grant 2022/23 2022/23 Main grant - report Grant report


Main Grant 2022/23 2022/23 Main grant - report Grant report

3 Apr 2024

* This initiative set out to contribute to research understanding of the relationship between access to household broadband internet and climate resilience within New Zealand. [...] This project aimed to explore the role in which digital equity has on a Just Transition (as adopted by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, which is to "bring people together to transform disruptive change into positive change"). [...] However, it is often necessary to people's wellbeing and for a community's efforts to adapt to environmental issues as a result of climate change such as natural disasters -not unlike the experiences across the north island following Cyclone Gabrielle. [...] Thematic analysis was employed to elucidate recurring concepts and underlying patterns within the responses to show that there is a diverse set of experiences between a household's capacity to access internet, as well as a household's capability to navigate the internet, in relation to the household condition or geolocation. [...] The outcome of this research showed that there is an obvious relationship between digital equity and climate equity, where digital access is critical to ensuring that a Just Transition can take place.
Published in
New Zealand