cover image: Web accessibility grant 2023/24 Web accessibility report 2023/24 Web accessibility grant report


Web accessibility grant 2023/24 Web accessibility report 2023/24 Web accessibility grant report

29 Mar 2024

The reason for implementing this as the first step was because of the size of our site and the number of images (in the site, there is over 61 standard pages, 66 blog posts and over 750 product pages). [...] From here, our web and marketing partners Origin Studio started the process of going into each page to edit and review the alt-text that this AI software implemented to make sure that a) the alt-text matched what the image was displaying, b) made sense in a New Zealand and disabled context and c) was thorough enough - and not overly simplified. [...] We estimate that in order to get to where we want to and to complete the process with the final review and consult, we require another 3-4 weeks. [...] The processes we have gone through for the work also means that we are making a sustainable change, whereby our website will constantly stay updated, so that any new image we add to the site from this point forwards will have alt-text and be accessible. [...] And for a site that is the size of ours, there needs to be ongoing work done to ensure that it continues to be accessible.
Published in
New Zealand