cover image: Fact Sheet 4 - Resolutions approving Land Dealings - Pecuniary Interest - Opening the land dealing

Fact Sheet 4 - Resolutions approving Land Dealings - Pecuniary Interest - Opening the land dealing

4 Apr 2024

meeting and be out of sight of the meeting while the land dealing is Clause 3 Part 1 of Schedule 3 of being discussed and voted on, unless the ALRA states: the members determine otherwise (see Division 4 of Part 10 of the “The quorum of a Local Aboriginal ALRA); Land Council is 10 per cent of the total number of voting members of (2) LALCs should table any other the Council”. [...] (ii) a statement that the impact of LALCs should carefully minute the the land dealing on the cultural meeting, including all the and heritage significance of the documents tabled and the land to Aborigines has been discussions that occurred. [...] Seconded by: [LALC to insert the Attachment 1 name of the person who seconded the motion] Sample of resolutions by Numbers for: [LALC to insert the ABC LALC approving land number of voting members who voted dealings for the motion] Please note: this is only a Numbers against: [LALC to insert the sample and the particulars of the number of voting members who voted LALC, properties and land against. [...] Sample Resolution 2: Sample Resolution 3: The members of ALALC having The members of ALALC having considered the impact of the considered the impact of the proposed proposed lodgem. [...] name of the person who moved the motion] Moved by: [LALC to insert the name of the person who moved the motion] Seconded by: [LALC to insert the name of the person who seconded the motion] Numbers for: [LALC to insert the number of voting members who voted for the motion] Numbers against: [LALC to insert the number of voting members who voted against the motion] Numbers abstained: [LALC to insert.


Michelle Aleksandrovics

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