cover image: 11125-WALGA-Emergency-Management-Survey-Executive-Summary-WALGA-FINAL-(ID-709807)


3 Apr 2024

The analysis of the data provided by WALGA shows a clear relationship between access to CESMs based in their area and BRPC/BRMCs, and access to the MAFGP and the size of the MAFGP received. [...] Further, an analysis of Local Governments responding to the survey who receive the MAFGP shows that as the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff employed directly in Local Government Emergency Management, including a CESM based in their area or a BRPC/BRMC, increases, so does the value of the MAFGP received. [...] 1.4 The impact of the CESM program CESMs engage with the community and volunteers and act as a conduit between the Local Government and 11125 WALGA Emergency Management Survey Executive Summary WALGA .docx 4 2023 Local Government Emergency Management Survey Report the Department of Fire. [...] The sections of the Bush Fires Act that caused significant issues for 30% or more Local Governments with Bush Fire Brigades participating in the survey were: • Part II Administration Section 13 - Process for Local Governments to pass control of fires to DFES or Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) (30%) Comments included the need for provisions to enable the State to be. [...] The majority of Local Governments responding to the survey (72%) felt that the suite of courses provided by WALGA adequately met the needs of Emergency Management staff and staff outside Emergency Management who need awareness or might have a role in an emergency (64%).


Yolanda Arcaro

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