cover image: Civil Society FfD Mechanism’s Communique on the Final 2024 FfD Forum Outcome Document


Civil Society FfD Mechanism’s Communique on the Final 2024 FfD Forum Outcome Document

22 Apr 2024

We are committed to strengthening the inclusiveness and effectiveness of tax cooperation at the United Nations and support the outline and modalities and the work of the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. [...] We find it unacceptable that the EU is now using the FfD Forum negotiations to undermine this decision from February and putting in jeopardy the work of the UN Tax Convention Committee. [...] We call on the EU to demonstrate their oft-repeated commitment to tax fairness and multilateralism by supporting this para as well as by participating in good faith and constructively in the UN Tax Convention Committee. [...] We reiterate that States are strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries (Source: 2030 Agenda, para 30). [...] -------- The Civil Society Financing for Development (FfD) Mechanism is a very broad platform of civil society organizations, networks and federations from around the world, that followed closely the FfD process since its origins, facilitated civil society’s contribution to the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, and continues to provide a facilitation mechanism for the co.


Pooja Rangaprasad

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