cover image: Israeli Forces Display Power of AI, but it is a Double-edged Sword


Israeli Forces Display Power of AI, but it is a Double-edged Sword

22 Apr 2024

Meanwhile, the international community is in the nascent stages of developing viable AI governance mechanisms in military use, such as the Responsible AI in Military Domain (REAIM) process – a platform for all stakeholders to discuss the key opportunities, challenges and risks associated with military applications of AI – launched in 2023. [...] AI in Singapore’s Defence The long-term strategic implications of the AI revolution in future conflicts require a re- evaluation of defence policy planning and management, including the direction of weapons development, and research and development efforts. [...] In 2023, Singapore also endorsed both the REAIM initiative and the US-led “Political Declaration on Responsible Military Use of AI and Autonomy”, demonstrating the need for a multilateral and norms-based approach to AI governance in the military domain on the global stage. [...] As countries in the region invest heavily in AI technologies for defence purposes, the risk of an escalating arms race and the potential for AI-driven conflicts will rise. [...] Collaboration with like-minded countries and adherence to international norms and standards will be crucial in shaping a responsible and sustainable future for AI in defence in the region.


Janet Fung

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