cover image: WALGA Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Local Government (ID 713441


WALGA Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Local Government (ID 713441

22 Apr 2024

The risk of erosion is directly proportional to the intensity of rainfall, the amount of soil exposed to water, and the slope of the exposed land. [...] Under Schedule 7 - Matters which may be dealt with by planning scheme, this allows for the consideration of: 4 - Preservation and conservation 4(2) The conservation of the natural environment of the scheme area including the protection of natural resources, the preservation of trees, vegetation and other flora and fauna, and the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity. [...] Examples of conditions that might be imposed under this Act to mitigate the risk of erosion and sediment pollution include: screening the perimeter of a site to assist with dust containment; requiring applicants to undertake street sweeping to prevent sediment build-up on roads; and installing air monitoring stations that can alert a Local Government of a breach. [...] Local Laws Case Study: Stopping sediment spread in the Shire of Augusta Margaret River Since the gazettal of its Erosion and Sediment Control Local Law 2019, the Shire of Augusta Margaret River has required landowners, builders and developers to take reasonable measures to stabilise their land and prevent soil, sediment and pollutants from leaving a site or entering waterways. [...] To restore the wetland’s environmental and social value and to protect the wetland for future generations the City of Bayswater sought to transform the site.


Sarah Coles

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