cover image: How Immigrants and Their U.S.-Born Children Fit into the Future U.S. Labor Market


How Immigrants and Their U.S.-Born Children Fit into the Future U.S. Labor Market

22 Apr 2024

Immigrant-origin persons contributed more to the growth of the civilian labor force (102 percent) than to the growth of the overall U. [...] In doing so, the report makes the following contributions to conversations about the future of work in the United States: 1) it offers historical perspective and analysis of the most recent data on population and labor force trends, disaggregating in particular, by immigrant generation; 2) it examines immigrant-origin adults’ educational attainment in the occupations where they are concentrated an. [...] In this context, immigration and the birth of children in the United States to immigrant parents are key to sustaining the growth of the country’s younger population. [...] S.-born children were already responsible for all growth in the under-55 population between 2000 and 2023.2 The skill levels of the immigrants driving these Immigrants and their U. [...] 19 To calculate the share of labor force growth attributable to immigrant-origin adults, the authors calculated the growth in the number of immigrant-origin adults in the labor force between 2000 and 2023, and divided it by the total growth in the number of adults in the U.


Jeanne Batalova; Julia Gelatt; Michael Fix

Published in
United States of America