cover image: The Big Eel Adventure


The Big Eel Adventure

14 Sep 2023

“Are you ready to take your turn as the eel guide? It’s time for me to head back to the Sargasso Sea.” The raven nodded back and then peered into the water, where the thin rays of the moon reflected from the hard-to-see eels. [...] When the sun began to color the sky to the East in pink and orange, Slippy and Slider swam up to them. [...] The reeds lined the shore and arrowroot plants grew from the river mud all the way up to the surface. [...] Goodbye in advance! The openings to the first tributaries are coming up, and I will be staying with the main group all the way north of the Endless Hills.” Some of the eels started shouting. [...] She dashed all the way to the bottom, and then led the way out of the slow, too-warm dam water.


S Pav

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United States of America