Finally, this effort and the other work of the GSI could not have been undertaken without the generous support of the governments of Denmark, the United Kingdom, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. [...] In March 2010, how individual countries were going to undertake reform remains unclear, as do the roles of the four intergovernmental organizations (IGO-4) named in the G-20 Communiqué: the IEA; the OECD; the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC); and the World Bank. [...] In November 2009, APEC leaders echoed the commitment (also non-binding) to phase out fossil-fuel subsidies, which added 11 new countries to the group committing to the phase-out (Annex I provides a list of the membership of APEC, the G-20, the IEA and the OECD).