cover image: London’s Living Hours Landscape: - Exploring Insecure Work in the Capital


London’s Living Hours Landscape: - Exploring Insecure Work in the Capital

19 Apr 2024

While the capital has a slightly lower overall incidence of insecure jobs (17.5 percent) compared to other regions of the UK, it remains the region with the highest total number of workers in insecure jobs, highlighting the scale of the issue in the capital. [...] The evidence that a higher proportion of Londoners tend to have variable hours and be guaranteed fewer hours than workers in the rest of the UK highlights the importance of addressing insecure work in the capital. [...] Incidences of each of these costs are higher in London than in the rest of the UK, suggesting that this is more of an issue amongst workers in the capital than in the rest of the country. [...] Conclusion London’s low proportion of insecure jobs, relative to other regions of the UK, obscures the fact that it is the region with the highest number of insecure jobs in the UK, and with it the importance of addressing insecure work in the capital. [...] Methodology & definition of insecure work The first section of this report explores the scale of insecure work in the UK and London and uses data from the Labour Force Surveys (LFS), Family Resources Surveys (FRS) and the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE).
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United Kingdom