cover image: Page 1 Q1 Name of organisation - Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA)


Page 1 Q1 Name of organisation - Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA)

22 Apr 2024

People's Commission into the Housing Crisis (Organisational Submission) Page 1 Q1 Name of organisation Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) Q2 Your name Liam Thatcher Q3 Position Advocacy and Policy Officer Page 3 1 / 4 People's Commission into the Housing Crisis (Organisational Submission) Q10 Describe the experiences of people struggling to access affordable and suitable housing in the c. [...] Advocates assist people with disability to: navigate the complex process to join a public housing waitlist (and ensure that a person is flagged as a priority if eligible) when experiencing home insecurity, navigate homelessness services that may not be accessible in a crisis, assist to resolve issues between landlords and tenants (including social and community housing authorities); and (otherwise. [...] Many of the issues experienced by advocates in supporting people with disability are outlined in: DANA’s submission to the National Housing and Homelessness Plan, October 2023: content/uploads/2023/10/181023-Housing-and-Homelessness-Plan-For-Submission.pdf Joint statement by Inclusion Australia and People with Disability Australia and DANA August 2022: .. [...] Advocate for a greater level of support for people with disability in homelessness services, address the dramatic shortfall in social housing, ensure that people with disability are not discriminated against in the private housing market, and ensure there are pathways to home ownership. [...] Given the urgency of this situation, governments should be prepare to take drastic action to regulate the cost of private rentals in the short-term in addition to efforts to build more social housing over the long-term.
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