cover image: Technical Annex


Technical Annex

9 Apr 2024

The results of the modelling have been used to support the Commission’s draft advice on our proposed level of the fourth emissions budget, and the discussion documents on the review of the 2050 emissions target, and whether emissions from international shipping and aviation should be included in the targets. [...] Sectors are modelled in varying levels of detail depending on the level of information available, the complexity of the sector and the materiality of the sector's emissions. [...] The inputs to the model are based on the current structure of the economy. [...] The electric arc furnace is one of the key drivers of IPPU emissions reductions in the reference scenario, accounting for the large decrease in emissions in 2027. [...] We took the ENZ model used to create the demonstration path in Ināia tonu nei, and adjusted it for the changes made when the government set the emissions budgets.


Christie Marsh

Published in
New Zealand