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When youth age out of care

23 Mar 2006

In August 2005, we produced When Youth Age Out of Care: A Report on Baseline Findings, which provided a profile of the youth participants at Time 1. The purpose of this current update, When Youth Age Out of Care: Report Purpose A Bulletin of Time 2 Findings is to provide highlights of our findings based on Time 2 interviews with the youth in our study. [...] As at Time 1, their stories speak to some of the experiences of the study participants as well as the kinds of issues they faced upon leaving care. [...] Page 4 When Youth Age Out of Care – A Bulletin of Time 2 Findings Cassie at Time 1 At the time of the first interview, Cassie was within four weeks of turning 19 years old and ageing out of care. [...] Indeed, further analysis of Time 2 findings revealed that of the 8 youth on the IL program at Time 1, 4 were on Income Assistance at Time 2. In addition, two young people whose source of income came through their foster families at Time 1 were on Income Assistance at Time 2. 1. As discussed in the Time 1 Report, these figures also stand in sharp contrast with statistics showing that 2.5% of all yo [...] Five had had a baby in between the Time 1 and Time 2 interviews (two of these participants were a couple), while five participants had been parents at Time 1. Custody and MCFD As at Time 1, all of the young parents in the project had Involvement legal custody of their child.
health youth education politics crime adolescence alcoholism behavioural sciences child custody child welfare law medicine homelessness survey abuse and neglect foster care substance use health treatment crime, law and justice assault cannabis (drug) shelter sexual assault evaluation research (social action programs)
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