cover image: YEMEN - Local perspectives on vulnerability and capacity in Ma’rib City OVERVIEW


YEMEN - Local perspectives on vulnerability and capacity in Ma’rib City OVERVIEW

26 Apr 2024

The areas The pervasiveness of needs and protracted nature of the crisis have spawned repeated cycles selected for the studies are based on the location of the humanitarian hubs established for of emergency humanitarian assistance providing life-saving support to a large population in coordinating the response in Yemen. [...] 2 Thematic report | 25 April 2024 Aim TABLE OF CONTENTS This analysis intends to support the planning and implementation of humanitarian assistance Background ....................................................................................................................................3 by enhancing the understanding of the factors affecting the overall vulnerability of people in Ma’rib and t. [...] The mountain highlands and Yemen’s international capital, Sana’a, in the west are Multidimensional Multidimensional vulnerability describes a state of vulnerability existing across under the control of the de-facto authority (DFA) (also known as the Houthis), as is much vulnerability more than one of the dimensions of vulnerability considered in this analysis. [...] indicate the key freely and why? consulted utilities of water, electricity, and Does the reduced access to and availability of key utilities affect people’s ability to The household discussions reflected the experiences of all communication meet basic needs? If so, how? members of the households, not just the individual responding. [...] This is compounded by competition given the large to documentation because of the risks and difficulties they faced in returning to governorate number of renters and the influx of IDPs into the governorate.
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