cover image: PROGRAMME BRAND BOOK Version



17 Apr 2024

The position of the programme name “CENTRAL EUROPE“ minimum height of the EU emblem must be 1 cm.[1] The size of the logo should be always reasonable and is aligned with the bottom of the EU emblem. [...] STATEMENT SPACING AROUND THE EMBLEM jects to acknowledge the support from the EU MODIFICATIONS AND COMBINATION The statement „ Co-funded by the European Union“ must The basic unit (u) used for the definition of the brand by placing the programme/project logo (which includes OF LOGO always be written in Arial Bold. [...] The whole statement composition is calculated in reference to the half the the EU emblem and the co-financing statement as integ- The logo shall not be further modified or merged with any must be positioned to the right of the EU emblem and height of the EU emblem (flag). [...] The colour of the paint stroke project includes all the element of the programme logo in matches the thematic priority colour and its length varies combination with a separate project identity that consists according to the length of the project acronym. [...] The free space to the right of the EU emblem The basic unit (u) used for the definition of the brand (between the statement and the flag) equals ½ “u” – not composition is calculated in reference to the half height including the white border.
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