cover image: Ghana’s Democracy – Worrying Signals from the 2023 Democracy Index


Ghana’s Democracy – Worrying Signals from the 2023 Democracy Index

19 Feb 2024

In the report, a) fifty-three percent (53%) of the world’s population live under these regimes; b) eight percent (7.8%) live in a full democracy and c) and thirty percent (29.9%) live in flawed democracies. [...] On political participation, scores have improved by a full point (1.1) over the sixteen-year period of the index, remaining at seven out of ten (6.7) points since 2017. [...] On electoral process and pluralism, Ghana scored seven out of ten (7.4) points in 2006, improved to eight out of ten (8.3) points in 2010 and has maintained the score since. [...] The Way Forward A full examination of the index with particular attention to the questions used in constructing the overall score as well as the individual categories, demonstrates clearly that Ghana has been able to address the electoral part of democracy – regular elections, presence of political parties, a constitutionally guaranteed right to vote among others. [...] The real challenge is how to deepen the substance of democracy - political culture, civil liberties, and functioning of government.
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