アジアにおける 日本の役割の具体化 日米豪専門家意識調査 - Operationalising Japan’s security role in Asia


アジアにおける 日本の役割の具体化 日米豪専門家意識調査 - Operationalising Japan’s security role in Asia

29 Apr 2024

Overall, the survey found broad strategic align- In order to assess progress and priorities in Japan’s ment between Tokyo, Washington and Canberra on new strategy, the United States Studies Centre at the objectives and intent of Japan’s NSS, much of the University of Sydney (USSC) and the Center which resonate with the US 2021 National Security for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Str. [...] The uncertainty over the sustainability of standards of the Five Eyes intelligence sharing defence funding puts into sharpened focus the bal- framework, but also with the expectation that the ance for Japan between the development of indig- JSDF should become more interoperable with the enous capabilities through the domestic defence Australian Defence Forces and the US military. [...] The survey reflects the strong stake that allies and partners like the United States and Australia have in the outcomes of Japan’s implementation efforts, including the balance of costs and benefits of different policy choices available to policymakers in Tokyo. [...] ■ US experts think Japan is overemphasising the indigenisation of defence production, with a major- ity of the American elites (61 per cent) arguing that indigenisation of the defence industrial base is not important in the context of delivering capabilities quickly and cost-effectively, while the major- ity of the Japanese elites (65 per cent) think that this is important even if cost, timeliness. [...] ■ A CSIS 2020 survey found similar results, where a majority of surveyed elites (69 per cent in Aus- tralia, 88 per cent in Japan, 79 per cent in the United States) thought that the United States would prevail today, but fewer felt that the United States would prevail in 10 years (50 per cent in Australia, 66 per cent in Japan, 68 per cent in the United States).4 Figure 10.
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