cover image: CHASING FOX HUNT



11 Apr 2024

Moreover, regardless of the nature and veracity of the alleged crime, the methods employed are more often than not in brazen violation of the judicial and territorial sovereignty of third nations, as well as the targeted individual’s universal rights and the judicial protections host countries are obliged to provide them under the principle of non-refoulement in international law. [...] The current main principles include the principle of non-extradition of political prisoners, the principle of non- extradition of death row prisoners, the principle of non-extradition of national citizens, and the principle of double criminality. [...] In October 2020, a Brooklyn Federal Court charged eight individuals with conspiring to act as “illegal agents of the People’s Republic of China”, allegedly acting at the direction and under the control of PRC government o#cials, conducting surveillance of and engaging in a campaign to harass, stalk, and coerce certain residents of the United States to return to the PRC as part of a global, concert. [...] resident to return to the PRC as part of an international extralegal repatriation e!ort known as ‘Operation Fox Hunt’.” The alleged operation included threats to and harassment of the victim and his son, attempts to coerce the victim into returning to China, and forcing a family member of the victim to travel from China to the United States with the task of persuading their family member to return. [...] In 2015, an Italian Court of Appeal ruled in favor of extradition to China and dismissed the defense’s claims of risk of torture and other inhuman and degrading treatment by stating that the “advanced stage of legislative approval of the bilateral extradition treaty signed between Italy and the People’s Republic of China on October 7, 2010, demonstrates the political will of the State parties to e.
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