The TSP was unique in that it provided, for the first time, a provincial option for students with LD who met certain eligibility requirements that qualified them for access to “specialized programming and services outside the framework of the Nova The TSP was unique in that Scotia public school system (NSP).” Right it provided, for the first time, from the beginning, the explicit intent of the a p [...] While hardly a ringing endorsement of the TSP, the of the TSP and recognized the Minister’s Response laid to rest calls for the validity of research supporting abandonment of the TSP and recognized the the option of special education validity of research supporting the option of special education schools (Minister’s schools. [...] The overall cost of the provincial program, including students with both TSP funding and extension TSA has increased from $1.64-million © 2 0 1 5. A T L A N T I C. I N S T I T U T E. F O R. M A R K E T. S T U D I E S 12 E X T E N D I N G. T H E. E D U C A T I O N A L. L I F E L I N E TABLE 1. Growth in the Nova Scotia Tuition Support Program. [...] The core philosophy of © 2 0 1 5. A T L A N T I C. I N S T I T U T E. F O R. M A R K E T. S T U D I E S 22 E X T E N D I N G. T H E. E D U C A T I O N A L. L I F E L I N E inclusion is almost universally accepted, but there is a growing awareness that the best schools “teach the way children learn” and that there is a place for specialized, intensive learning programs where provincial education au
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- Pages
- 36
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- Ottawa, Ontario