cover image: Three essays on Europe and Freedom. Thirteen sessions of the 2023 Dahrendorf Colloquium. Fifteen years of the Dahrendorf Programme.


Three essays on Europe and Freedom. Thirteen sessions of the 2023 Dahrendorf Colloquium. Fifteen years of the Dahrendorf Programme.

8 Apr 2024

Europe and Freedom Europe and Freedom Cover r5.qxp_Cover 08/04/2024 15:00 Page 1 DAHRENDORF Three essays on Europe and Freedom. [...] at the EUROPEAN Fifteen years of the Dahrendorf Programme. [...] Michael’s Monastery in Kyiv in February 2023 The back cover shows part of the audience at the 2023 Dahrendorf Colloquium Europe and Freedom Edited by Timothy Garton Ash and Josef Lolacher DAHRENDORF PROGRAMME at the EUROPEAN STUDIES CENTRE ST ANTONY’S COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Contents Preface. [...] 7 Timothy Garton Ash Essays on Europe and Freedom Europe Whole and Free. [...] 33 Josef Lolacher The 2023 Dahrendorf Colloquium Europe and Freedom: The View from Outside.
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