cover image: POLICY REPORT - The Captagon Trade’s Legal Pathways to Accountability - April 2024


POLICY REPORT - The Captagon Trade’s Legal Pathways to Accountability - April 2024

24 Apr 2024

Given the transnational treatment or punishment under nature of the captagon trade in the Article 7 of the ICCPR; the right ■ Directly engaging with states with Mediterranean-Gulf, there is value to liberty and security of person respect to reported violations and in further investigating the use of under Article 9 of the ICCPR; and concerns in the form of either a individual communications and/ t. [...] Shortly after the establishment of the CoI, the Human Rights Council established the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Syrian Arab Republic. [...] Syria is tentatively introduce resolutions to create, particular, the competencies of the scheduled for its evaluation in the for example, a sanctions regime president of the Security Council fourth cycle of the UPR during the imposed upon named Syrian and the requirements for direct 54th Session of the Human Rights officials involved in the captagon engagement by the secretary- Council, from Janu. [...] The review trafficking.16 Then on April 24, 2023, by Russian vetoes,14 the General is conducted by the UPR Working the Council of the European Union Assembly in April 2022 adopted Group, consisting of the 47 listed 25 individuals and eight a resolution to work around such members of the Human Rights entities in the framework of EU roadblocks. [...] 10 The only exceptions being, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (2000); the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (2000); and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006).
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