cover image: On the path to ending smoking: using new funding


On the path to ending smoking: using new funding

28 Mar 2024

Local authorities who accept these four conditions, will receive 70% of their funding at the beginning of the first year, with the remaining 30% payment eligible to claim in the fourth quarter.6 This funding is committed for the next five years allowing time and flexibility to plan, and implement, new activities across local and supra-local footprints. [...] The overall aim of the additional funding is to help people to stop smoking and increase the number of people engaging with effective interventions to quit smoking.6 Local authorities should recognise the key indicators of success for the funding (quit dates set, recorded quits), but we must not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to galvanise our partners across the system to use the propose. [...] Further resources around the proposed legislation and additional funding can be found here: • Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smokefree generation • Local stop smoking services and support: funding allocations and methodology • Local stop smoking services and support: guidance for local authorities • NHS England: Stop Smoking Services Collection What we know “Nearly half of people who. [...] Routes of support to cater for all peoples’ needs and preferences should be available and should ideally include:10 • Specialist support and treatment • Brief advice and treatment • Self-support Methods of quitting All routes of support should utilise effective and feasible quitting methods with products such as stop smoking medications and e-cigarettes. [...] • Share learning and good practice, recognising the value of diverse local and regional geographies and the building of quality and trusted relationships.


Laura Bunce

Published in
United Kingdom