cover image: A review of implementation of the Water Framework Directive Regulations and River Basin Management Planning in England


A review of implementation of the Water Framework Directive Regulations and River Basin Management Planning in England

3 May 2024

A review of implementation of the Water Framework Directive Regulations and River Basin Management Planning in England A review of implementation of the Water Framework Directive Regulations and River Basin Management Planning in England A REVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE REGULATIONS AND RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANNING IN ENGLAND Presented to Parliament pursuant to section. [...] This will require a closer alignment with the contents of the Programmes of Measures, relating to individual water bodies and catchments, and clarification of the role of partnerships in identifying and supporting the implementation of those measures where appropriate. [...] Recommendation 12: We recommend that, in further developing the Plan for Water and reviewing implementation of the WFD Regulations, Defra: i) clarify how the WFD Regulations’ objectives and the goals and targets of the Environment Act, EIP23 and Plan for Water relate and contribute to each other for both surface water and groundwater, including chemical status; (ii) review their coherence with oth. [...] It looks at issues such as the setting of Environmental Objectives under the regulations, the adequacy of measures to achieve them and the determination and justification of exemptions. [...] 214 Other international and national commitments Among other drivers, the WFD was developed to give effect to certain international obligations.51 These include the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North‑East Atlantic52 and the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes,53 both agreed in 1992.
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United Kingdom