cover image: The Australian Population Research Institute, May 2024


The Australian Population Research Institute, May 2024

5 May 2024

They also proclaim a strong state interventionist platform on economic questions, one that is far to the left of the Labor Party (except in Victoria where Labor sees itself as in direct competition with the Greens for the progressive vote). [...] This platform has attracted those voters who are feeling the pressure of the cost-of-living and housing crises and who want the state to intervene on their behalf. [...] This stance encourages voters who are feeling resentful about the impact of the cost-of-living and housing crises to turn against the incumbent Labor Government. [...] By contrast, in the Regions the high Other vote was mainly to the right, including the United Australia Party. [...] 2 The construction of this index, the progressive/conservative scale in Table 3, is set out in the Methods section of our main report: Australian voters’ views since the voice referendum.
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