cover image: COLOMBIA - Economic hardships and climate hazards in San Andrés 62,000


COLOMBIA - Economic hardships and climate hazards in San Andrés 62,000

13 May 2024

The conjunction of vulnerability to the upcoming hurricane the Department of Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University season and the limited interventions by the humanitarian sector underscores and Tropical Storm Risk predicted 23 named (tropical) storms in the 2024 the critical need to highlight potential risks through this anticipatory note. [...] This, in turn, limits the ability of the people and regional government to anticipate Food security and nutrition and cope with the potential impact of the upcoming hurricane season. [...] The impacts of Hurricanes Eta and Iota in November 2020 provide an indicated that San Andrés had a lower food insecurity prevalence that year compared with indication of the destruction that a Category 4 or 5 hurricane can cause in the department, the rest of the Colombian Caribbean and one of the lowest in the country. [...] On 24 November, the Minister of Energy and Mines confirmed the sending of solar kits to help with electricity generation in the department (Infobae 24/11/2020; By 2019, almost all of the San Andrés population (98.3%) was registered in the social security SSPD 29/01/2021). [...] Ethnic populations’ exposure and vulnerability to climate hazards In April 2023, the Colombian Government announced several measures to improve the One of the most affected populations by the decline in economic activity is the Raizal people, economic situation of the department.
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