cover image: 2024-25 FEDERAL BUDGET BRIEFING



15 May 2024

● $57.9 million over six years, and $3.8 million a year from 2029–30, for the ABS to continue to modernise legacy systems and operations for the Labour Force survey and Business Characteristics dataset." Disclaimer: Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this briefing, no liability is accepted for the veracity or accuracy of the information herein and no person should rely on its con. [...] ● $12.8 million over four years for the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) to "enhance IT to support business productivity and cyber security." ● $10.9 million over four years from 2024–25 to make “critical improvements” to Workforce Australia’s IT system ● $10.9 million over two years to enhance the Go Global Toolkit online platform to support Australian businesses to export goods and ser. [...] Strengthening STEM and data capability ● $206.4 million over four years, and $7.2 million a year after, to "improve the data capability and cyber security" of the APRA and ASIC, and "to continue the stabilisation of business registers and modernisation of legacy systems". [...] ● $196.8 million over three years to support the delivery of the 2026 Census, "including ensuring safe collection and storage of Census data, activities to increase engagement and participation and facilitating access to the Census through myGov." ● $2.2 million in 2024–25 for Prime Minister & Cabinet for "projects to uplift capability across the Australian Public Service, including AI integration. [...] Critical Technologies AI ● $39.9 million over five years to support the adoption and use of AI technology in a safe and responsible manner, including $21.6 million for a "reshaped National AI Centre", and $2.6 million "to respond to and mitigate against national security risks related to AI." Quantum ● $466.4 million in equity and loans to go to PsiQuantum to build a quantum computer in Queensland.


Rachel Bailes

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