cover image: P a c N e t 28 P A C I F I C F OR U M · H ON OLU LU , H I A pr i l 3 0 , 20 24


P a c N e t 28 P A C I F I C F OR U M · H ON OLU LU , H I A pr i l 3 0 , 20 24

30 Apr 2024

This flagship project entails developing a long politics, and the rise of regional powers shaped its road and rail corridor to boost regional connection and post-colonial trajectory, resulting in a blend of convey goods, resources, and ideas between these two cooperation and contention. [...] Beyond the territory, the broader referring to their relationship as “deeper than oceans question of China’s ambitions is encapsulated in the and higher than mountains,” have converged in their “China Dream.” India sees the project as part of regional and global aspirations. [...] promise for economic growth and connectivity, Ensuring the safety of its workers and securing returns addressing governance, transparency, and on its massive investments remain at the forefront of environmental concerns is essential for ensuring its China’s concerns. [...] Viewing it through Having said this, in this complex web of interests, the prism of global power play, the US sees the Belt alliances, and contestations, CPEC emerges as more and Road Initiative as a means for China to stamp its than a project; it becomes a barometer for the future dominance. [...] For Pakistan, it is China, Pakistan, and the US can turn CPEC into a essential to strengthen governance and transparency model of cooperation and development, setting a mechanisms to ensure that CPEC projects effectively positive precedent for future infrastructure projects in benefit local communities and the broader economy.


Microsoft Office User

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United States of America