cover image: ASH SMOKEFREE NETWORK - Developing your workforce training plan for Tobacco Dependence Treatment Services


ASH SMOKEFREE NETWORK - Developing your workforce training plan for Tobacco Dependence Treatment Services

7 May 2024

Slide 1 ASH SMOKEFREE NETWORK Developing your workforce training plan for Tobacco Dependence Treatment Services Professor Matt Evison A new standard of care Treating tobacco dependence in patients admitted to hospital leads to substantial benefits for both the individual and the healthcare system and is now a standard of care in the NHS Treat tobacco dependence as a clinical priority, using the sa. [...] This includes: ■ Diagnosis, ■ Initiation of treatment ■ Behaviour change support ■ Regular follow-up ■ Adjustment of the treatment plan Best practices and key messages A shared promise: We will never again refer to tobacco dependence as a ‘lifestyle choice’ or ‘bad habit’ or ‘personal freedom’ It is a powerful addiction and chronic relapsing clinical condition Changing our language: new culture, n. [...] Provide summary, agree to next follow-up and prompt commitment Specialist Assessment & Treatment Plan Discharge plan 1. [...] Provide summary and address questions or concerns Clinical Checklist for TDT Care Bundles Quick reference tools NHSE Inpatient Training – Needs assessment and scoping Changing the stigma, attitudes & culture Negative message Positive message ■ You must stop ■ Medical management ■ Willpower alone ■ Clinical condition ■ Too late to treat ■ Chronic disease management / ■ maintenanceYour fault if you. [...] National Tobacco Dependency Treatment Training for Acute and MH eLearning for frontline staff module outline Treating tobacco dependence in inpatient 1 acute and mental health settings 2 Inpatient mental health 3 Tobacco dependence aids 4 CO testing Tailored training for Tobacco Dependence Treatment in Mental Health Hospitals Mary Yates, Mental Health Nurse Consultant National Centre for Smoking C.


Mark Bunegar

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United Kingdom