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ta a d d te a g gr e g

10 May 2024

More specifically, the project considers how to update traditional consumer protections such as notice and disclosure requirements, deception and unconscionability rules, and consumer enforcement in light of the new, complex, and expansive range of consumer risks in the digital economy. [...] someone other than the consumer,” where “the terms of the consumer transaction are so averse to the consumer as to be inequitable,” and where “the An expanded discussion of the structure and consumer is being subjected to undue pressure to provisions of Ontario’s CPA is found in the LCO enter into a consumer transaction.”85 Consultation Paper at section 3, “Consumer Protection Law in Ontario and A. [...] The Act states that illiteracy, inability to understand the language of an 87 it governs all consumer transactions “if the consumer agreement or similar factors.” or the person engaging in the transaction with the • Facilitating access to justice through a complaints consumer is located in Ontario when the transaction and investigation mechanism at the Consumer takes place.”81 Protection Ontario (. [...] 26 Consumer Protection in the Digital Marketplace During the development of Bill 142, the LCO argued The LCO is also concerned that the provincial that dedicated and specific legislative provisions government will replace the CPA 2002’s dedicated and regulations were needed to ensure consumer sector by sector rules with a generic set of “core rules” protections for online contracts had the same ap. [...] • Gaming practices including sale of virtual items, in-game marketing, and digital currencies.159 34 Consumer Protection in the Digital Marketplace Regulators and Courts Key Information and the CPA 2023 Many foreign regulators and courts have increased The 2023 Government of Ontario CPA Consultation the pace of investigations into notice and disclosure Paper included three important proposals to u.


Law Commission of Ontario

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