cover image: Roots of Hope Annual Impact Report 2023-2024


Roots of Hope Annual Impact Report 2023-2024

22 Apr 2024

In 2018 the Mental Health Commission of Canada introduced Roots of Hope, an evidence-based, community-led model to reduce the impact of suicide. The model builds on community expertise to implement suicide prevention initiatives and life promotion activities based on 5 pillars of action and 13 guiding principles. Since the launch of the Research Demonstration Project in 2018, Roots of Hope has been implemented in more than 20 communities, including three provinces and one territory. There was a pivotal change for the Roots of Hope model in 2023. The results of the Research Demonstration Project were shared in early 2023, and the focus for the remainder of the year was on expanding upon successes and addressing potential areas of improvement. Significant work was undertaken to standardize Roots of Hope tools and templates for efficient data collection and effective impact measurement. The Roots of Hope team focused its efforts on building intercommunity connections, supporting implementation and sustainability efforts, and promoting the model to stakeholders across Canada.
mental health, suicide prevention, communities, community-led, people with lived


Mental Health Commission of Canada

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