- Disclosure Date
- 2024/05/12
- Disclosure Status
- Disclosed
- Doc Name
- Pakistan - SOUTH ASIA- P165982- Pakistan Raises Revenue - Procurement Plan
- Lending Instrument
- Investment Project Financing
- Product Line
- Published in
- United States of America
- Rel Proj ID
- PK-Pakistan Raises Revenue -- P165982
- Sector
- ICT Infrastructure,Central Government (Central Agencies),Trade
- TF No/Name
- TF0B2061-Technical support for tax and customs administration
- Theme
- Trade Logistics,Trade Facilitation,Gender,Human Development and Gender,ICT,Economic Policy,ICT Solutions,Public Finance Management,Fiscal Policy,Private Sector Development,Domestic Revenue Administration,Public Sector Management,Trade,Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,Tax policy,Public Administration
- Unit Owning
- Version Type
- Final