cover image: What does the future hold? - Rural communities discuss European forests and how to protect them


What does the future hold? - Rural communities discuss European forests and how to protect them

14 May 2024

Member States, the EU and foresters need to work together to ensure forests are managed in a way that enables them to play their many roles for communities, the climate and nature. [...] Focus groups results: People are concerned about the state of Focus groups results: The forests green backlash is extreme, The majority of participants are worried about the oversimplified and does not state of EU forests and want to see action to protect and restore them for future generations. [...] widely resonate They see forests as needing protecting (from climate Groups were asked the extent to which they agreed change and industrial forest management) and see a with the arguments used to push back against the need for more information about the climate crisis, European Green Deal, especially those linked to the the scale of the current problem and the limits of Nature Restoration Law in. [...] The EU is also expected to regulate trade, fund While seen as having a key role in regulating forest research, and oversee forest management when management, national governments were perceived national authorities don’t live up to expectations - the as having either failed in their responsibilities to take example given was in Poland, where because of the care of forests, or, in the case of Franc. [...] General Rural Community, Poland In terms of subsidies and grants to compensate forest owners and encourage them to follow new rules, forest owners believe the EU should: • Support the diversification of species: Overall, forest owners deplore the lack of means to It would be good to receive EU manage their forests and are interested in incentives and subsidies from the EU to be able incentives and.
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